Being a professional locksmith is a highly respectable and well paid occupation. It is an excellent occupation for those who enjoy meeting and chatting with other adventurers. There are three goals I always strive for: avoid setting off traps, be quick, and roleplay. Chapter 1: Avoid Setting Off Traps Disarm Skill + Wisdom Bonus + Modifiers - Trap difficulties + d100 > 100 Modifiers: these are modifiers from armor, wounds, etc. If your chance of disarming a trap is less than 50%, let someone else disarm the trap or just tell your customer it's beyond your abilitites. Many times, you will still get tipped just for trying. For certain traps, you can "pick around the trap". That means you attempt to open the lock anyway. If you successfully open the lock, the trap does not go off. Else, the trap is triggered. Some traps including the boomer cannot be picked around. Personally, I don't bother with traps beyond my skills, and I don't pick around traps. Chapter 2: Be Quick For speed, you can invite the person to your table before they even wave to you as long as they are outside. It's no need to repeatly invite the person you're expecting, but entering the command once will save the command in memory so when the person does wave to you, you can just repeat the command. I use macros and scripts to disarm traps and open locks. When someone offers you a box, "Accept", and then "Disarm My @". @ is where the cursor is... and you can enter the appropriate box name. If you find a trap, just repeat the previous disarm command. That's why having it as a macro is nice. Disarming the trap is the longest part of the box opening sequence. Once it's done, the following script can get the box opened.
#unlock box with alum pick put swap put take my alum lock waitfor You put pick my %1 with my lock waitfor You pause put put my lock in my cloak waitfor You put swap All those "waitfor You" pauses are added due to excessive lag. If the box is NOT opened, just repeat the whole sequence. Since Alum lockpicks only cost about 500 silvers to repair, there's no excuse for not using it when opening locks for customers. In case you want to know how tough a lock you can handle, the following is the equation: 2.4(Lockpick Skill + Wisdom Bonus) + Modifier - Lock difficulty + d100 > 100 The more you open the lock by, the less time it takes you to open the lock. Chapter 3: Roleplay For example, if you find a really easy trap, you can smile and blindfold yourself with a hankerchief before disarming the trap. If you find a pretty tough trap, you can smile and cross your fingers. If you barely disarmed a trap, you can "salute (your name)" to wipe sweat from your brows. Looking at your customer is also helpful in starting a conversation. One can learn a lot from chatting with others. Being a merchant complements being a locksmith very well because of the many similarities. But hunters can gain plenty from talking to their customers too. The quantity of treasures from monsters changes from time to time, so talking to fellow hunters can give you an idea which monsters are rich at the time. Being a locksmith is a great way to meet others. So, roleplay and have fun. Just try not to blow yourself up in the process... |